Wednesday 12 March 2008

Dissertation Handed In!

Finally the dissertation was handed in! In the end i lost 4 whole weeks from the film project, which is not good, but my dissertation really didnt start off all that well, i actually had to re-start it half way through the term! not nice! in the end i couldnt think about the project untill it was finally handed in, i did however deligate some work to giles (rigging work), jenny (modelling/texturing) and dan (animation tests and modelling).

So this week... Monday - rob and myself decided to get up to speed with the schedule, we felt quite behind so needed to work out how much time was left and how much there is to do! The film is all re-scheduled and all team members now know what work they have to complete in the next couple of weeks.


I was viewing the animatic alot and going over the story and i really wasnt happy with the flow and some of the main scenes in the film, to me it needs alot of work if it is to become as successful as we all hope, parts didn't need to be shown, the turtle didn't add to the story in any way, the scenes were way to choppy and overall it didnt make sense to the people who were watching it. So after alot of discussion between rob and i, as well as many comments made from people who had viewed the animatic, we decided that the story wasn't working. This week we will be working on the blockout and narrative, all the shots will be finalised, scenes and flow finalised and modelling to commence as soon as possible! We've already worked on the story partly, through breaks in our dissertation and discussions with tutors.

The camera work is to be largely based on the Indiana Jones Films by Steven Speilburg, similar cinematography and lighting is to be used also. I want the film to look and feel like a Hollywood film for cinema, therefore research is needed on different camera types and rendering techniques.

The group has been scheduled the work below for this week:

Jono (Director) - Story and camera work, finalise blockout and colour palette/texture techniques.

Rob (Producer) -
Story and camera work, finalise blockout and colour palette/texture techniques.

Jenny (3D Artist) - Continue to UV Map and Texture Paint the jungle vegetation.

Giles (Technician/3D Artist) - Rig and weight snake character.

Dan (Lead Animator) - Animation.

Ben (Concept/3D Artist) - Modelling clutter for lounge, researching Visual Effects for film.

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