Friday 23 May 2008

Animation Deadline Problem

After deligating the final animation scenes to Dan the Lead Animator, we realised that there were four scenes left animate and only a week left untill the deadline we set, Dan approached us this morning and said that i would be very difficult to have all the scenes done to a high standard by next friday. Dan reassured us that he could confidently get two of the four scenes completed but would apprieate the any extra help, perhaps another two animators to finish the rest. The only problem was that we have no more animators at our disopsal, luckily our Concept Artist Ben wants to get into the animation area, but with no previous animation experience, apart from a few minor scenes he animated for us, his euthusiasm and well timed animation, we have decided to hand the less of the challenging scenes to him. The last scene is quite animation intensive, intailing a rope swing and a lengthy run cycle (while dodging falling rocks), after an hour ringing around we hear Yemi, an animator from a different group has finished his group animation early, and so offered a weeks worth of animating help. With three animators working towards the deadline i am confident that we will be ready to render the following week. Plus Dan will be available to help with texturing the main temple chamber and corridoors.

The project so far is going well, we are all a bit stressed, been working untill 2/3am for the past week, just trying to tie up the loose ends so that the next couple of weeks go alot smoother, geting the edit nailed down has helped to organise the the final bits of animation, we've been able to give more precise timing within specific scenes and for desired shots, plus means that all we have to do is drop animation into the edit as the structure is aready present. Anything drastically wrong is highlighted quicker and can therefore be rectified sooner, which is great when it saves us time!

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