Friday 30 May 2008

All Animation Completed - Edit Now Final

Today Dan the Animation Lead fanalised the enterance corridoor sequence, Yemi and Ben also met the animation deadline with ease as we had all the animation sequences by 11:30am this morning. With finishing the final edit in mind, Rob, and Myself sat down together and worked solidly so that the final edit was completely finished and timing concrete. After reviewing the animation, particular camera angles for the jungle, corridoor and rock chamber scenes had to be adjusted so that we got the best out of the really great animation that was recieved. Im very happy with the end result for the trap corridoor animation, Ben also took the anititive by animating a forward roll, first person camera and possible camera positions for his animations, one important idea he had was to establish the stone doors closing before the explorer was to try to dodge the traps, this creates a great level of tension and excitement. These shot compositions were then reviewed and tweaked by myself and rob to ensure that camera conventions and edit timings were kept, these cameras have replaced the boring tracking camera that used to follow the explorer into the corridoor.

Another change was Dan's forward tracking camera, instead of viewing the explorers run through the jungle face on, ive moved and composed the shot slightly diagonal from the character, allowing us to see all of the animation and frame the explorer and jungle nicer (framing the path the explorer is travelling from, gives the tracking camera more distance and depth). The shot is still a 3/4 body composition, keeping the audience closer to the character (more personal/connects us with the explorer).

I also adapted the animated tracking back camera framing the explorer running through the rock chamber, geting closer and more personal to the character, it seems to really bring the action closer to the audience, the idea is to feel and experience what the character is going through. Now that the edit, including fades, additive dissolves, cut timings is complete, the premeir file will now be rendered and given to Becky (Sound Designer) and Alistair (Score Composer) so that they can accuratley develop the music and sound effects further, ready for the music deadline on Friday 6th June. The conclusion of the final edit has helped me to view the film as a whole with no gaps or unfinished areas, its given me the chance to really nail down the final look and feel for the film, assessing cut speeds and cinematography. It had to be finalised today so that the process of importing animation into their relavent scenes and render/frame
planning would mean a much smoother final couple of weeks. Dan's input on the edit its really appriciated, his fresh eyes on the edit allowed him to spot areas myself and rob had potentially over looked.

The animatic/film edit has been a large focus for myself and rob, by continually revising plot structure, cameras, cuts, key adience focus points, atmospheres, energy, composition. For the past three days we have been up untill 5am thoroughly combing over the edit and cinemtography of the film, changing large areas to ensure that the audience fully understand the story, allowing the camera to tell the story rather than just placing random cameras. To ensure camera cuts and shot composition create/enhance the excitement and adventure in the story. Myself and Rob, as well as great input from Dan (Animation Lead), have just finished finalising the story structure and camera work. We asked for some professional input from cinematographer Gareth Munden and camera man Kevin Williamson who visited us last week and spent some time reveiwing our previous edit and giving productive advice and feedback (possible camera angles, camera conventions to follow, etc). With these notes in mind we have largely increased the number of cuts within scenes to emphaise the pace and action in the film, more cameras added, the addition of close ups and more frontal shots of the explorer so that the audience feel closer to main chararcter, experience the dangers from his view. We also spent alot of time working on the camera cuts, how the character would move in and out of shot, making the movemnet comfortable and less confusing. As the animation is being completed we are continually dropping it into the edit, moving away from blockout to final animation and lit sequences. Below is the final edit completely finished and timed out:


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